Linda Mitchell
Board Certified Massage Therapist

My Credentials

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is the highest voluntary credential a massage therapist can obtain within the profession—it is above and beyond entry level state licensure. By becoming Board Certified, I represent a community of therapists who have gone above standard educational and work experience requirements with a dedicated and lifelong commit to continuing education. Furthermore, I live up to higher standards and ethics in alignment with The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

To achieve my Board Certification, I provided proof of a minimum of 750 hours of education, 250 hours of professional, hands-on work experience, passed a criminal background check, agreed to uphold NCBTMB's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, and passed the Board Certification Exam. By passing the BCETMB and meeting all requirements, I demonstrate advanced assessment and critical thinking skills, as well as a commitment to excellence. I wear the credentials BCTMB with pride for myself, my profession, and, most importantly, my clients.

Craniosacral Therapist

Certified since 2002 by Upledger Institute for Adult and Pediatric CranioSacral therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, subtle yet very powerful technique which creates a deep sense of peace, calm and centeredness. This deeply relaxing, balancing modality enables one to focus better, reduces anxiety and a whole host of other benefits!  

You remain fully clothed while work is done primarily on the head and spine.  CranioSacral Therapy balances the flow of cerebral spinal fluid that is naturally produced in the arachnoid spaces of the brain and circulates within the brain and spinal cord.   CranioSacral work is particularly effective in assisting those with headaches, migraines, chronic ear problems, learning difficulties, hyperactivity, insomnia and anxiety to name a few.  

When the body is in balance, it feels better, functions better and stays well longer

Reiki Master

Reiki Master Level Certification since 2006

Reiki Level 2 Certification since 2000 

Reiki Level 1 Certification since 1996

Reiki is a beautiful, gentle, and powerful healing modality. You remain fully clothed as you relax on our heated table (heat optional) Reiki uses "life force energy" to vitalize and balance the energies in your body. Reiki, whose Japanese literal translation means "universal love", strengthens and harmonizes the immune system, eases pain, reduces anxiety and supplies the body with additional energy which is can use for healing itself. Reiki supports and complements other medical and natural healing methods and is found more and more often in major hospitals and treatment centers. Reiki originated in Tibet and Japan in the 19th century and is still practiced today world wide.

Intuitive Bodywork Healer

Certified Intuitive Bodywork Healer since 2009 (Collard Method)

Full description to be uploaded shortly

Transformational Life Coach

Certified By Transform Coaching Academy 

As a Professional Intuitive Life Coach, Linda is a regularly featured expert on WOR Radio 710's CYACYL (Change Your Attitude Change Your Life) Program.  She is interviewed monthly on their "Coach On Call" segment and writes a monthly article for the CYACYL Magazine.  Linda has worked in the Coaching and Healing Arts industry for over 20 years with a passion for helping people move past fear and overwhelm into their true purpose with clarity, ease and grace.  Her signature "Reinvention Program" empowers people to reclaim balance, better health and step into the next significant role on their unique soul's journey and emerge more powerful, purposeful and fulfilled.  Get Clarity! Take Action! Move Forward! Achieve your Goals Now!  connect with her at or

Akashic Records Practitioner

Certified Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner

Guidance comes in many forms – meditation, prayer, tuning into our intuition, asking family, friends, and even professionals for their opinions. While all these are tried-and-true methods, there’s one ancient form of guidance that is overlooked and underutilized: The Akashic records. The Akashic records or “The Book of Life” contain every thought, deed, action, intention and feeling your soul has ever had since its very inception. As a trained Akashic Record practitioner, I can tell you that accessing your Akashic records is one of the most beautiful ways of getting trusted information, answers, guidance, and direction from your own Masters, Teachers and Loved ones. This voluminous “Book of Life” can be equated to the universe’s super computer system, which stores all information for every soul who has ever lived on earth. However, the Akashic records are much more than a memory storehouse, they are interactive and an incredible resource available to anyone looking to the divine for information, guidance and support. See more under Akashic Records Tab

I stumbled upon the Akashic records many years ago when doing research on another topic. It piqued my curiosity and my exploration began with two different readings. The first afforded me answers to questions all about my personal life. Having successfully acted on that guidance, I then requested a session seeking the answers, direction and guidance I needed for my business. I was so astounded and intrigued by the information received that I decided to study the Akashic records myself. After much education and practice I began to offer sessions to family, friends and clients.

Having studied and utilized the Akashic records for quite some time now, I am constantly amazed at the available information and guidance that for years I navigated without. I utilize this resource personally and when requested, will access my clients’ records to couple the information received with the work I do as a life coach. It is indeed an honor and a privilege to tune into my clients’ masters, teachers and loved ones to provide them additional guidance, knowledge and messages.

Christian mystic Edgar Cayce has written much about the Akashic records and it should be noted that this “Book of Life” is referenced in both the Old and New Testaments. According to Cayce, the Akashic records are a portion of the divine mind. These records are not simply a transcription of the past but include the present, the future and certain probabilities as well. The records are interactive, have tremendous influence on our everyday lives, our relationships, feelings, belief systems and the potential realities we manifest. There is much more to our lives, histories, and our individual influence on our future than we have dared to imagine. By accessing information from the Akashic records, much can be revealed to us. They are available to guide, educate, and transform every individual to becoming the best that she or he can be. It’s exciting to know there’s a trusted form of guidance available to us for the asking!

Reconnective Healing Therapist

What is Reconnective Healing? The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is relatively new. This is different. This is real–and it can be entrained in each of us. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories.

What can I expect during a Reconnective Healing session or The Reconnection?

What’s the best way to prepare for it? What can I do to allow it to be most effective?
Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Often healings are reported in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for a healing to unfold. If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even thought of, one that the universe has in mind specifically for you.

Healings can come in all forms. The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of expectancy, without expectation or attachment. Place yourself on the table, relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Observe. Become both the observer and the observed.

Be in a relaxed atmosphere, lie down on your back on a massage table or whatever other comfortable arrangement you’ve decided on, close your eyes and notice. Just notice. Withdraw your participatory thought process and simply observe when there’s something to notice, as well as when there’s nothing to notice; lie there and let go, as if you simply had a little unexpected rest time.

I wouldn’t suggest that you try to make your mind a blank or try to think of nothing. As a rule, people have trouble with the concept of thinking of nothing. The mind is always going. I suggest that you simply notice whatever it is that brings itself to your attention. This gives you something to do and has a tendency to alleviate the stress often encountered when trying to think of nothing and finding that you don’t know how. Place your attention inside your body and allow it to travel through you. Observing whatever you perceive as out of the ordinary will give you enough to occupy your mind without your getting lost in mental “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts.”

There is no need to breathe a special way, no need to visualize relaxing scenes or a desired result, no need to meditate or repeat mantras, silently or otherwise, and no need to “do” anything else that I haven’t mentioned that you or someone else thinks will “help.” It won’t. It will simply bring about what you’re able to do on your own and interfere with you being able to enjoy the fullness and the reality of the experience. When you’re ready to let go and not attempt to “direct” or enhance the experience, when your ego is out of the way sufficiently so you don’t attempt to “gild the lily,” you’re ready to experience what makes Reconnective Healing different, what makes The Reconnection real!

You’re ready to receive.

Bd Cert. Clinical Hypnotherapist

Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

by Transform Destiny Inc.